Avolve Navigate
For Accela

Reduce daily document management tasks by 80%
Reduce 80% of daily document management tasks
Avolve Navigate delivers a new level of productivity for the Accela back office, supporting key document management processes. With instant searching, grouping and saved preferred search views, Avolve Navigate is fully integrated as part of your familiar Accela platform.

Significantly reduce the time taken on daily document management tasks, for all Accela back office users with Avolve Navigate. Save hundreds of man hours by enabling instant access to information.
Avolve Navigate for Accela provides a rich set of features and a contextual view of your Accela data, plans, and documents.
What is Avolve Navigate?
Calculate your time savings
Simply enter the minutes you spend per person, each day on these document tasks and calculate how much you could save with Avolve Navigate.
MeasuresMinutes spent each day per personMinutes spent each week per personReduction percentage with Avolve NavigateTime savings each week per person
Time spent searching for plans or documents
Download document(s) to view / markup
View content of document(s)
Re-upload if plan review offline
Avolve Navigate features
Instant search
Instant search
Grouping and filter
Grouping and filter
User saved views
User saved views
Instant Document View
Instant Document View
Comparison & overlay
Comparison & overlay
Side by side view
Side by side view
Slip sheets view
Slip sheets view
Slip sheet versions
Slip sheet versions
Custom fields
Custom fields
Update meta data fields
Update meta data fields
Excel output
Excel output
Four steps to start your Avolve Navigate journey
1Review Avolve Navigate's Features
2Calculate how much you could save
3Watch the online demo
4Add Avolve Navigate to your Accela subscription
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Avolve Navigate for Accela configured?
Each record type requires around five minutes of configuration. Your system administrators can configure Accela; or seek support from your Accela implementation partner or the Avolve team can help.
How do I subscribe to Avolve Navigate for Accela?
You can simply add Avolve Navigate to your Accela subscription agreement, or with your certified implementation partners, or directly with Avolve.

Book a demo – we’d love to show you how Avolve Navigate works.
Get in touch and we’ll book in some time.