The Global Leader in
Electronic Plan Review

Jurisdiction-centered solutions
98% of our customers recommend our robust and flexible suite of electronic plan review solutions, which meet the needs of jurisdictions of all sizes.
Permitting flexibility
A leading plan review solution that works with your choice of permitting system.
Invested in research and development
We challenge ourselves to innovate, with market-leading investment in research and development.
Maximize process efficiency
Our leading solutions increase productivity and drive economic development.

Avolve Software offers the most trusted and proven suite of ePlan review solutions on the market.

Our leading electronic plan review solutions, ProjectDox and DigEplan, offer unparalleled choice for jurisdictions looking to create plan review efficiency and optimize the applicant and reviewer experience. At Avolve, we have a dedicated global customer and partner community because we believe that together we are stronger.

Our business is underpinned by exceptionally high standards, from product development to support, which is why we have been chosen by more customers than any other ePlan solution company.

Avolve does not just offer products, we provide a way of driving economic growth and satisfaction among your staff and applicants.











Avolve’s ProjectDox simplifies complex plan review processes for larger jurisdictions. Whether you choose to integrate it into your permitting system or use it as a standalone solution, ProjectDox enables you to create custom workflows, making it perfect for multi-department collaboration across building, planning, engineering, public works, and capital improvement.

  • Control tasks and manage assignments to increase capacity and visibility
  • Complex workflow management with multiple departmental templates
  • Enhance applicant engagement and satisfaction
  • Improve efficiency and performance with process analytics

Avolve’s DigEplan Pro is fully integrated to your permitting system, but goes a step beyond to offer advanced capabilities, so you can deliver outstanding applicant experiences. From enhanced identity management and intake controls, to robust review functionalities.

  • Advanced intake management with submission policies
  • Real-time applicant collaboration, enhancing satisfaction
  • Manipulate PDFs – split, merge, rotate, for the ultimate document control
  • Automated audit trail with decision record

Avolve’s DigEplan seamlessly integrates into your permitting system, so you can streamline permitting workflows and enhance your investment in your permitting platform. Remove the complexity and increase the efficiency of your permit issuance, from applicant submission, to plan review collaboration, comments, and approval.

  • Faster permitting times by reducing administration and increasing collaboration
  • Cloud-based electronic plan review with straightforward, rapid implementation
  • Access from within your government platform, creating a seamless workflow and clear audit trail
  • Enhance the applicant experience within your public portal

We are with you for the journey;
our dedicated support team is
highly rated by our customers.

Partnerships that build unity

Avolve is a partner-centric organization. We integrate with leading government technology platforms to enhance the experience for the public sector. We also work alongside experienced service partners who support our implementations.

Electronic plan review from Avolve enables you to reduce review cycles and permit issuance times.

Something that may have taken 7-10 days is now closer to 3-5 days since adopting DigEplan.
Chesterfield County, Virginia, USA
From the moment we did the demo with DigEplan, it was just a great relationship. We had that comfort level that, for me, has always been one of the most important of any potential partnership. When you’re able to reach out to someone and they’re responsive and want to work with you to find solutions — that’s a huge selling point.
Polk County, Florida, USA
We had set initial benchmarks; and for product testing and comparison DigEplan excelled.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Productivity gains have been significant as a result…one-click all conversions, PDF/A records are created, and stamps applied.
Gemeente Goes, The Netherlands
ProjectDox works really well with other applications, specifically Accela. I would 100% recommend Avolve and Accela together. In tandem they work beautifully.
Clackamas County, Oregon, USA
Adding CDOT’s Project Coordination Office as a reviewer in ProjectDox helped us realize almost $24 million in potential savings in 2022
Chicago Department of Transportation, Illinois, USA
Our ProjectDox implementation has been a model for others in our region.
Florida, USA
The program is excellent and really improves the organization and the efficiency of plan review. The integration with our permitting software has been seamless…
We didn't want to regret our choice in 10 years, so support and future proofing played a role in our decision...
Sandy City, Utah, USA
It’s revolutionary for a city to conduct its permit process this way.
Our interim building official is ecstatic about DigEplan. He says it is so quick and just easy to use, it's a no brainer.
Douglas County, Nevada, USA
We can see our individual tasks and search whole projects. This makes all the information we need on each project visible, so we can see what’s high priority, when it was created, and when it’s due. It’s good for us to have that timeline spelled out, and turnaround has definitely been improved since implementing ProjectDox.
Apple Valley, MN
We have very short turnaround times that tend to be far more aggressive than most jurisdictions. DigEplan Pro has helped get applications into the system faster and improved transparency so that we know exactly what is in the queue.
Pima County, AZ
ProjectDox allows us to have review meetings not only face-to-face, but digitally recorded, tracked, timestamped on a case-by-case basis in a queuing system.
Boise, ID
Once they realized that this software was easy to navigate and would create transparency in the plan review process, they really embraced it. People realized that ProjectDox would prevent potential conflicts, for example between a plumbing inspector and the Detroit Water and Sewer department. I think ProjectDox has made a big difference in the attitude of a lot of staff in the City of Detroit.
City of Detroit