Electronic Plan Review Solutions
Avolve Software is the global leader in electronic plan review.

Avolve Software is the global leader in electronic plan review. We have a suite of market leading products ProjectDox, DigEplan Pro, and DigEplan that offers an advanced plan review solution that works for any jurisdiction.
We provide choice, so whether you are looking for fully integrated, standalone, or standalone with integration, we can help with a best-in-class solution. We aim to be part of your journey, ensuring that your plan review technology works for you today, and into the future.
Plan Review Options
We believe in providing more than just products, we view processes as challenges and create opportunities to change the mindset of how we approach these everyday tasks. If you are using paper or PDF mark-up tools you are subject to a significant productivity loss, unnecessary complexity, and negative impact on your staff and citizen experience.
Going digital doesn’t mean compromising on the way in which your jurisdiction works or the processes you have already got in place.
Avolve provides plan review solutions that enhance the permitting systems you are using, adding huge efficiency gains and aiding economic growth.

improve operations across the City of

Avolve’s ProjectDox simplifies complex plan review processes for larger jurisdictions. Whether you choose to integrate it into your permitting system or use it as a standalone solution, ProjectDox enables you to create custom workflows, making it perfect for multi-department collaboration across building, planning, engineering, public works, and capital improvement.
- Control tasks and manage assignments to increase capacity and visibility
- Complex workflow management with multiple departmental templates
- Enhance applicant engagement and satisfaction
- Improve efficiency and performance with process analytics

Avolve’s DigEplan Pro is fully integrated to your permitting system, but goes a step beyond to offer advanced capabilities, so you can deliver outstanding applicant experiences. From enhanced identity management and intake controls, to robust review functionalities.
- Advanced intake management with submission policies
- Real-time applicant collaboration, enhancing satisfaction
- Manipulate PDFs – split, merge, rotate, for the ultimate document control
- Automated audit trail with decision record

Avolve’s DigEplan seamlessly integrates into your permitting system, so you can streamline permitting workflows and enhance your investment in your permitting platform. Remove the complexity and increase the efficiency of your permit issuance, from applicant submission, to plan review collaboration, comments, and approval.
- Faster permitting times by reducing administration and increasing collaboration
- Cloud-based electronic plan review with straightforward, rapid implementation
- Access from within your government platform, creating a seamless workflow and clear audit trail
- Enhance the applicant experience within your public portal

Product support
Avolve’s support is not just about fire fighting and fixing problems. We view support as a strength - a critical partnership that ensures our solution is providing maximum value.
Our friendly and dedicated support team is here to ensure that every user, in every jurisdiction is able to enhance their day, by using our solution in an effective and efficient way.